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Finsbury Leisure Centre
Islington Council
Number of homes
Local authority
London Borough of Islington

Pollard Thomas Edwards won Islington Council’s RIBA competition to masterplan the Finsbury Leisure Centre site. The project includes new leisure and health facilities, a nursery and energy centre, new homes, a new public square and improved public realm. The proposals will create a lasting civic legacy for Islington and the Finsbury community.

At the heart of the proposal is the ‘Finsbury Leisure Centre’ – a joyous contextual public building for ordinary people. The sports hall is clad in reflective red copper and designed to be a community beacon visible from surrounding streets.

The proposals for the new residential buildings are reminiscent of the classic London mansion block - designed to transform the setting of St Luke’s Gardens and Church. All the new homes are dual aspect with a mix to reflect planning policy.

The new public realm is a place for people of different ages, genders and interests, and promotes health and wellbeing.

The overall masterplan provides a high level of sustainable design and integration between architecture, structure, services and landscape. This approach is typified in the new energy centre, with glazed frontage and realtime energy production display.

Congratulations to Pollard Thomas Edwards on their competition victory. We look forward to working with them and the local community to create new high-quality affordable homes and improved community facilities for Finsbury residents including a new leisure centre, GP practice, and nursery.”
Cllr Diarmaid Ward, Executive member for housing and development
Compliance does not mean quality
Compliance does not mean quality Diespeker Wharf
38 Graham Street
London N1 8JX

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Compliance does not mean quality