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Dunsfold Park
Dunsfold Park Ltd
Site Area
Number of homes
Homes per hectare
Local authority
Surrey County Council
Francis Tibbalds Award 2009 - Winner

This 600-acre Second World War aerodrome will be transformed into a new Surrey village for the 21st Century, with 1,800 homes set within a 350-acre country park and focused on a market square with shops and schools. The former runway becomes a landscape feature integrating the village with the expanded business park.

PTE has prepared a masterplan and outline planning application.

The development of Dunsfold Aerodrome will provide homes for young families currently priced out of the area, direct development away from green fields, create new jobs and deliver a range of new community facilities and infrastructure improvements.”
Jim McAllister, Chief Executive, Dunsfold Park
Challenge the brief, but respect the author
Challenge the brief, but respect the author Diespeker Wharf
38 Graham Street
London N1 8JX

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