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Rebecca Lee, Senior Architect

Rebecca has 15 plus years’ experience leading the delivery of social housing across London and Cambridge, securing planning permission for over 1,500 homes.

Her experience includes infill schemes, regeneration, masterplanning, conversion and restoration, Later Living housing and commercial. This has involved extensive public consultation, planning, detailed design and construction, as well as successful competition entries for large scale regeneration and residential developments.

In addition to this Rebecca has contributed to the publications The Deck Access Housing Design Guide (buildings editor) and What is the Future of High Rise Housing? (researcher) and in 2019 curated the #MapLondon conference (hosted by Arup in collaboration with Coherent Cities) which brought together over 100 industry leaders to consider how London can use its data and mapping tools to lead globally on smart city making.

Rebecca is a WISH Board Member, an alumnus of the Future of London Leaders Plus programme and has led a seminar group at London Metropolitan University on the Part II Advocacy course. This course required students to define their aspirations to be an ethical professional, that they might inspire positive change and use their skills and expertise to contribute meaningfully to the betterment of society.

  • Qualified in 2012
  • Studied at University of Liverpool, Manchester School of Architecture and University of Westminster
  • Joined Pollard Thomas Edwards in 2013
  • Appointed senior architect in 2017
Get excited by the potential of unloved places
Get excited by the potential of unloved places Diespeker Wharf
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London N1 8JX

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Get excited by the potential of unloved places