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Henshaw Road
Greatwell Homes
Number of homes
Local authority
Wellingborough Council

Following PTE’s review of Greatwell Homes’ existing Independent Living stock, PTE developed options for two schemes – an extended and refurbished Charles Robinson Court, and the redevelopment of Hearnden Court with the adjacent Henshaw Road flats and bungalows. The Henshaw Road sites are the first to be brought forward, creating additional housing for local older people.

The scheme delivers Greatwell Homes’ aspiration for quality homes and demonstrates capital and life cycle value for money. The design identifies the unavoidable costs associated with the sloping site, while maximising height and flats as the scheme steps down towards Croyland Park. Net to gross ratios were optimised with the design creating flexibility for potential future LA funding.

The building’s articulated roofscape subtly emphasises the entrance while remaining sensitive to the surrounding residential context. The ground floor brick detailing references Wellingborough’s heritage town centre buildings and ‘grounds’ the building on the sloping site.

The design focusses on the essential details – the arrival, spaces, accessibility, and relationship with the gardens, demonstrating that it is possible to create quality and viable homes within an area of lower land value.

This scheme will represent a positive ‘uplift’ in design quality in the Borough and I commend PTE and the client team on a scheme which has been very well thought through.”
Wellingborough Council’s Design Advisor, Place Services (Essex)
Turn constraints into opportunities
Turn constraints into opportunities Diespeker Wharf
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London N1 8JX

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Turn constraints into opportunities