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Altered Estates
Year published
Andrew Beharrell, Ben Derbyshire, Matthew Goulcher, Andy von Bradsky
Pollard Thomas Edwards
Denise Chevin
Lord Kerslake

The four architectural practices behind Superdensity have produce a further piece of collaborative work on a highly topical issue: Altered Estates - how to reconcile competing interests in estate regeneration.

The report covers the following topics, backed by case studies:

Appraising the options explains how a methodical and transparent process of options appraisal can assist selection of the best regeneration strategy and lay the foundations for effective community engagement.

Engaging communities sets out best practice in stakeholder engagement leading to community buy-in and avoiding top-down imposition of unpopular proposals.

Getting the design right addresses the sensitive issue of re-integration of estates into the surrounding townscape and confronts the limits of high density intensification.

Achieving sustainable outcomes looks at long-term measures of sustainability and explains why current government policies require review if unsustainable outcomes are to be avoided.

I would strongly encourage anyone who is involved in regeneration to read this report. We may make new mistakes in the future but there is no need to carry on repeating the old ones.”
Lord Kerslake
Don't confuse innovation with novelty
Don't confuse innovation with novelty Diespeker Wharf
38 Graham Street
London N1 8JX

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Don't confuse innovation with novelty