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Dr Tom Dollard, Partner - Sustainability and Innovation BArch DipArch EngD ARB RIBA

As partner of sustainability and innovation, Tom leads PTE’s ever-evolving zero carbon culture providing project teams with training, support and inspiration. He is focused on practical, implementable solutions that ensure a building’s in-use energy performance matches the design intent.

Tom is a director of the Good Homes Alliance, a member of the CIBSE homes for the future group and has been part of various publications and research projects for Government and industry to help increase supply of low carbon homes. He is a certified Passivhaus Designer, BREEAM Accredited Professional and is a Doctor of Environmental Engineering.

His work for the Zero Carbon Hub and Building for 2050 has helped address the performance gap in the delivery of energy efficient homes. A second printing of Tom’s best-selling 2018 book for RIBA, “Designed to Perform: An illustrated guide to delivering energy efficient homes” was published in 2022.

  • Qualified in 2009
  • Studied at Newcastle University (Part I), University of East London (Part II) and University of Westminster (Part III)
  • Joined Pollard Thomas Edwards in 2010
  • Appointed head of sustainable design in 2011
  • Appointed associate in 2012
  • Appointed associate partner in 2018
  • Appointed partner in 2022
Get excited by the potential of unloved places
Get excited by the potential of unloved places Diespeker Wharf
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Get excited by the potential of unloved places